There's not much to say here. There aren't any nasty marks on the plastic, and I got some nice panel lining on the grey sections of the piece. I also managed to get the red sticker around the barrel of the rifle to line up nicely.
Next up was the shield. There's one noticeable flaw on this one - the yellow cross on the front of the shield is uneven at the bottom. I blame this on overeager sanding. It isn't hugely glaring, but I'm still disappointed with myself:
On the bright side, I'm happy with how the stickering worked out. The shield has many stickers which go on its left and right sides, and I think I got them to line up quite well.

Taken as a whole, the unevenness of the cross was my only major gaffe, which means I did a better overall job with these weapons than I did with the Zaku's. I had a lot trouble applying the stickers on those, and I left one side of the Heat Hawk with what I can only describe as "battle damage". I'm really happy with my work so far, but all of this has been a warmup for the real thing. Time to build the Gundam itself.