Monday, October 18, 2004

That gets me steamed... clean

I just went downstairs to grab my laundry, only to find that my laundry basket has been swiped. The general Loyola College population has been getting on my nerves as of late, and while this isn't the end of the world, the principle of it is the figurative last straw for me. If you are a student at Loyola College that I don't know personally, let me speak to you now (as personally as I can get):

1) You are not God's gift to the world. Everyone who tells you you are special is lying. If you are a beer chugging business major who skips two classes a week and complains about getting up at 10 o' clock, get in line. You are in large company (not good company mind you, just large). Why then you all seem to insist that I get out of your way when you fill the entire hallway, or hold the door for you when you never do for me, I have no clue. I don't know you, I probably never will, and you have yet to show me why I should feel sorry for behaving like a person rather than a servant.

2) It doesn't matter how much money your parents have: This is college people. While it is perfectly easy to spot all of you (what with the excessant Abercrombie and those nasty Uggs boots), that doesn't mean I'm going to treat you any better. If you want respect, you have to earn it. You may be used to things being different back at home, but this ain't Long Island. Here you are on the same level as everyone else. You have to clean up after yourself, take care of yourself and be responsible for your actions. Dont like it? Get used to it. One day those checks will stop rolling in, and you'll have to go into the "real" real world. And when you have no true friends and no clue what to do because you treated college like one big game back in the day you're gonna be screwed. And I'm gonna laugh. A lot.

So please. Get your noses out of the air (it smells the same at eye level folks, trust me), be respectful of others (and their stuff), and grow a pair and admit that sometimes, you just might be wrong.

In other news, my brother is insisting I put up some funny links for your amusement (or annoyance, take your pick). Here goes:

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