Monday, May 02, 2005

The Soul still burns

So I got my Soul Calibur game disc back from the local store, newly repaired and running flawlessly. While it is great to have my favorite game ever working again, it came around a bad time; its finals week at Loyola, and while this week itself is rather light, it is also my chance to prepare for next week's onslaught.

Speaking of Loyola, I saw a few classmates when I went to the Oriole's game this Friday. Every time the beer man passed by they bought a few drinks. way to represent the school. The whole kids with fake ID's thing kind of saddens me. Here are some of the worst, most irresponsible underage drinkers beign able to buy whatever whenever they want, while guys like myself and my friends are not allowed to play pool at a hall because there's also a bar and they want you to buy drinks on the weekend. Nevermind the two 18 year old women at the table, neither of them looking to be much past 100 pounds in weight.

I was shown an interesting link about a disease that turns people into theoretical zombies, only to find out that it is potentially a fake. And here I was worrying about Resident Evil Baltimore.

Remember how I said that old screen of Serious Sam 2 would be a hit with a particular person? I was right about that, and now I plan on making another person happy with these babies.

Oh yeah, and if I hear one more n00b scream about Battlefield 2, or an RPG fanboy praise Guild Wars I'm gonna 'splode. There are other games out there people. A lot more.

Oh, and Bandai and Namco are going to merge, or something. Now maybe we can see characters from .hack get beat down by characters from Soul Calibur. Oh wait, I forgot, .hack is the game I'm playing right now, and Soul Calibur is the series I've given up on in favor of sticking with the original until the end of time. Still, its interesting news.

And... That's it for now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


(by the way, sorry about the zombie thing. ^^;)