Monday, January 29, 2007
24 is pissing me off
1) Commercials. There's no way I can prove it, but I know that this season is crammed with way many more ads than in past seasons. I just watched the first two seasons on DVD with my dad, and I remember the commercial breaks being much farther apart. Its hard to really get into any given episode when you're getting cut off so quickly. And whatever happened to those commercial free season premieres?
2) Wayne Palmer: Our new president is definitely not his brother. David Palmer was always the man in charge, and while he used his advisers well, it wasn't easy to pull his strings. Wayne on the other hand feels so damn wooden. The man makes his speeches with no emotion, and he doesn't seem able to make any decisions unless an advisor thought of it for him. Maybe this is the way he's meant to be, but I expected the man I saw in season 5 to be a lot tougher. Instead I'll have to watch as Tom Lennox pushes him into making our nation a police state. I predict our characters get into many complications due to legislations passed within the next few hours of the show.
3) Mundane. Its looks like we're getting into a pattern where the coming attractions for next week's episode shows some juicy scenes, all of which occur in the last 5 minutes so they can tease you again. Meanwhile the rest of the episode is just boring filler. A couple of twists or surprises, nothing tense or engaging, and a whole lot of talk about nothing. Of course this is quite easy to do with such small chunks of show between the commercials.
At this rate its no wonder that Heroes is beating it out each week. Note that this is not going to make me watch that show instead; I'm a Bauer fan for life, we're just going through some tough times right now. I simply hope things get back into shape before the season's end. This is not the final season of 24 by far, but who knows if this is the start of the decline after a spectacular season 5.
Monday, January 22, 2007
The March of Idiots
Sometime in my college years, I remember reading two other articles. One was about extraordinary cell phone bills that parents were paying because their children constantly demanded new phones and racked up insane amounts of minutes and text messages used. All these folks could say was "I don't know how I'm going to afford all of this!", instead of doing the one thing in their power; punishing kids who misused their phone and not buying new ones every six months. This was followed by the second story on the elaborate vacations and trips that high school and even middle school students are able to go on these days, some of them longer and more exotic than some people's honeymoon. Again, parents couldn't believe how much they were shelling out, this time adding that "it leaves no money for me and my wife!". Except for there would be if they would just say no, and maybe even spend some on themselves.
The march of idiocy continues. Now we can read about how expensive birthday parties are. I can't take this anymore. Parents, don't tell me it feels like a race, and you'll fail if you don't match the rest of the block. None of that competition would ever start if you all just calmed down. More important is that you wouldn't have to feel bad if you taught your child the value of things in the world and didn't constantly spoil them. They wouldn't be disappointed in a lesser party if they understood the meaning and the generosity behind what they are given. I went to plenty of b-day parties in my younger age that were far more extravagant than my own. I liked mine better because it was with my own small group of friends, and when it was at my home, we could do whatever the hell we wanted (meaning video games, swings, sports). It wasn't about spending the night at FAO Schwartz; it was about celebrating an important day with the ones closest to you. That and ice cream cake.
Its just amazing to not only see this trend, but to see that its a serious issue to some. Did it ever occur to these folks that maybe they could just stop spending and realize just how ridiculous their peers are getting? Like the article even says, these children are being picked up by limo's; some people never got that until their wedding. So either people can't see this absurdity (which is sad), or they choose not to do anything about it(almost as bad).
And hell, when did this actually happen. Ten years ago it was 1997 and I was just 12 years old. Back then the ideal birthday party was a night at the roller rink or a kickass sleepover. Somehow this has evolved into limos. Oh, and the boys are getting birthday blowjobs as well. So much change, so much stupidity in such a short amount of time. No 22 year old should feel like they're already getting old.
Damn kids.
Friday, January 19, 2007
I'm one year older now since last time I saw you
in case you wanna know, I'm about to say what I'm up to
first of all I'm a sluggard movin' slow in a clumsy way
some peace of mind is what I want, but that will be the day
I've been going with the flow for too long now, this must end
running 'round in circles, I've been so far away from myself
Searching for the energy and the time to make a change in my life
instead of watching it pass by, get something done while I'm alive
I'm twenty two, don't know what I'm supposed to do
or how to be, to get some more out of me
I'm twenty two, so far away from all my dreams
I'm twenty two, feeling blue
Yeah, there we go. Off to do nothing now (and hear how I'm lazy for not planning anything. I like being lazy!)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
American Idol
Anyway, I'm not here to just whine and cry and bash American Idol and then go run off to watch Firefly on DVD. Instead I'm going to try and figure out why the show continues to become more popular with each passing year, which to me is still a huge paradox. Only then will I rewards myself with some Firefly.
There are two possible scenarios when it comes to Idol,
1) Old fans stay, new fans join them
2) Old fans leave, enough new fans join to replace them and then some

I think that option 1 is the most likely scenario. Furthermore, I can understand why the show continues to garner new viewers. The average TV viewer is not going to make knee jerk reactions on Idol and trash a show they've never watched (that's what angry nerds like I do). Instead they're going to see a large and constant fanbase behind the show, which is reason enough to convince most people that they will be entertained by it.
What I find so confusing then is why so many of those old fans continue to watch the show. If you're new to it, American Idol is going to have the same charm and mania as it did when it first aired. But for anyone who has followed it from the start, I don't see how they could continue to watch. The show has lost its purpose if you ask me. This is supposed to help create the next idol of pop music. Isn't that someone we're supposed to adore and love for a period of time like no one else? Kelly Clarkson is the only one of the lot that's proven to be a real force in the music biz, and everyone after her has dropped off the radar quicker than the last. I think my father said it best when he described Taylor Hicks as a bad karaoke singer. If all they get is a soul owning recording contract and an album that no one listens to, how the hell can we call them an American Idol? I read one of those msnbc articles, where one of the judges claimed the show will keep rolling on its high as long as they continue to find great talent. I find this a contradiction, because I'm not seeing much talent at all. At least not from the winners; it seems that far better singers have been voted off in past shows.
I've heard one solid theory that doesn't boil down to simply "people are stupid", and that's that once you start with something, you don't want to stop. People tune in first to watch Simon bark at the instant losers, and stay for the rest. Its a reasonable theory that I really like, but American Idol still boggles my mind. I find it incredible how much closer it brings American music to the actual idol system of Japan, which is the pinnacle of spoon fed corporate junk, yet no one seems to notice. I'm amazed at some of the choices the voting public has made on the show, and that's just from watching clips of the losing singers on the morning news.
I hate lumping the American public into the mass of "sheeple" that pseudo-intellectuals throw them into when it comes to just about anything. Not only because I hate pseudo-intellectuals, but also because I know I'm no better than Idol viewers in my obsession with a TV show; I watch 24 like a religion after all. Still, when a program can go on for this long, continuously degrading in quality, and still somehow become more popular, I begin to wonder just what the hell is going on.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Running Down a Dream
It scares the shit out of me. The pessimist inside me says that this whole college thing, all that work is going to to go shit. Everyone else you know in your field has had better grades, more recognitions, "know" more people, and have sucked up a hell of a lot more than I ever have. It tells me I'm going to get lazy, screw up, and find myself in a place I don't want to be.
But I'm an optimist at heart. And that side says that anything is possible. People with worse credentials have done just fine, and there is still time. I've found my real friends, and they're going to help along the way. It will all work out if you make it so.
I think it will turn out all right in the end. Still, it won't be easy. I can't stay at home while looking for work. Its too far away, and there is absolutely nothing for me there in the meantime. If things go wrong, there's only so much my family can do financially.
I haven't become buddy buddy with that many professors, so there's no one out there that can ensure I'll be "taken care of" out of school. In short, there's really only one option for me - graduate, find a job and move. I really do need to get on my own two feet as quickly as possible without falter. Its not that this angers me; I'm not the only one in the world with that story. It just means its imperative to succeed.
It gets worse. I'm a horrible interviewer, and I seriously fear of my chances. Seeing the comments here makes me feel a little better, but also worse, because it shows that not everyone out there gives a shit about your success. I think the biggest problem I have with interviews is that I only know a few things I can improve. Posture, gestures, etc. are things I can work on. But a lot of my problems stem from a genuine inability to lie and bullshit. I can't do smalltalk, and I can't pad my resume or build it up as something it isn't. Its just not in my nature, and no amount of "just do it" is going to change that. I'll be trying to get some help on this from the career center, but I'm afraid they're going to tell me if I can't BS, I'm screwed. Thanks, but I already know that.
I'm also worried that sometimes, its not me. Take my interview with Altec Lansing for an internship. The job would entail nothing more than moving user profiles around in Windows. Things went well, they saw I was more than competent, then they saw on my resume that I also knew Linux. It was downhill from there, since they seemed to believe I knew nothing else. When they asked me what versions of Windows I've used, I replied "everything from 3.1 to XP", and they still seemed skeptical, no matter how much I clarified things. When people get the wrong impression like that, and it sticks, there's not much you can do. Let's just say I was pretty devastated by that one.
I also hope that future interviewers cut out the bullshit. I've too many interviews where I heard that I'm more than qualified, just like every other candidate, and then all of a sudden I'm not the winner, and I have absolutely no clue as to why. I know they won't all tell you why you failed but please, spare me the bullshit and the fluff. It especially worries me after hearing stories of employers turning down and applicant simply because of what food they ordered or because they were too "squirrely". Its great to know we educate ourselves so much, and it can all boil down to something as small as what drink you order or how nicely you can fake a smile.
I've got a lot of friends that are ready and willing to help me. I have to stop tying to do everything my way and maybe listen to them for a goddamn change. I've already begun that; I've got myself a nice little planner and a will to use it. Maybe I can change after all. I know that if things go well, it will be because of my friends far more than because of anything I did. I can only hope I'd be able to repay them in the future.
Has this post actually gone anywhere? Maybe. Can't really tell when you're traveling the long and windy road. I better go find myself a good map :)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The iPhone
Man, I wish I could travel to crazyworld. Maybe one day I will.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
24 Season 1

I'm in a pretty wierd situation with the pre season 5 shows. From playing 24 game, and from my brother, I know a lot of the spoilers, but not how they all tie together, or how they occur. Well, season 4 seems rather disconnected, so I'll enjoy that one fairly "purely". Still, I sometimes think it even more suspenseful to know a little bit of a teaser when going into a season. You can't bite your nails as much if you don't have a reason to, but when you're just waiting for something to happen, it can be pretty grueling - just the way I like it.
Season 1 was quite good, but I can already tell it won't be in the running for the very best. It wasn't as action packed on a whole as 5 was, but instead there was some good intrigue and detective work going on. My problems with it are listed as follows, and I'll give you the spoiler alert now.
- Like any new show, Season 1 wasn't produced to completion at first. The show initially had only 13 episodes ready, in case ratings were poor and Fox decided to axe it. Of course the complete opposite happened and the the rest of the story was told. The problem of course is that this still caused something of a split between the two halves of the season. Episode 13 ends by wrapping up all the minor plot points, while the major conflicts are put in a situation where should the show be canceled, viewers could easily assume that the good guys would prevail. Of course, the show didn't end there, and so the writers had to find a way to keep things going. They did this several ways. For all the closure Ep. 13 tried to bring, it also opened one major new plot point up. It ends up being quite important for the rest of the show, but if 24 had ended there, it would have been a pretty big tease. They also had to retread themselves a bit. Kim gets kidnapped again, or at least pseudo-kidnapped, and then is taken away a third time at the end. When the Palmer hit goes awry, they just send more assassins. By the last six or so episodes, the show goes into different and quite exciting territory, but the way the season transitions between its two halves is a little rocky. Sometimes it works smoothly, and other times it just feels cheap.
- I love seeing David Palmer in action, but I'm hoping to see him in some more dire situations. He's a great character thanks to a great actor, but after Season 1 you might say he's a bit of a Mary Sue. I'm not saying it was bad for season 1 - rather, it seems necessary, so as to establish how he could face the odds and become president.
- A little bummed to see that so many of the problems they faced this season was due to accidental killings. Makes you want to scream "dammit" right there with Jack.
- Count me in with the fans that find Kim very hot, but even more annoying.
All in all, its still a great setup for the rest of the saga (am I allowed to call it that?), and I'm amazed to think the show could be so high quality from seasons 1 through 5. I guess I actually have to find out if that's true first. Season 2 is coming up next.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Well that sucks
The staff has talked about possible solutions, though nothing has been decided. While I can't say when it'll be back, I can at least guess that the answer is sometime in the beginning of the week. If not, I still have some reviews and articles that will be ready soon, and I'll make sure to do something with them until its back.
I've got a couple other things on my mind, but I'll put them all here rather than make separate posts.
I'm stuck in Guitar Hero 2! I've gotten good enough to five star all but a handful of GH2 songs on hard, but apparently not good enough to ace them, or to even finish any of the final set on expert. I've certainly tried practice mode, but even when I've made myself replay a section or two until I've perfected it, I still manage to screw up in the actual performance. I hate facing plateaus in my favorite games, but I'm certainly not the best Guitar Hero on campus, and certain other friends of mine are sure to surpass me sooner or later.
Is this where I'm supposed to have my crash and descent into drugs and alcohol?
The trend continues; in this very poor presidency, seems that everyone is a political expert. Am I the only one who is tired of hearing about "references to today's political climate" in nearly every single film that is released today? Great, you made some potshots at the Republicans. Way to make it so obvious. If you want me to listen, don't treat me like a moron.
Then of course are the ordinary folks, the ones who have a comment for everything the White House does. These same people probably think that electing a Democrat will fix their wishes. Can't wait to see what trouble we get into when another corrupt politician with screws loose in the other side of the political brain is running things. The whole system is cancerous, but its hard to see that with all this hypocrisy and bullshit on both sides.
I think this anecdote sums up both paragraphs; a college student I know was raving about V for Vendetta like it was the greatest thing he's seen in a decade. I asked him what he thought about the fact that (spoiler alert?) the people wouldn't rise up without wearing masks, that no had the balls to stand up and show themselves unless they were certain they couldn't get in trouble for it. They had no response.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
A long time ago...
So, now that I have them all, there's only one thing to do - watch them all, and write about them. I did this in the spring with my old roomates, but being around finals time (and being that I watched none of them before midnight) it wasn't the best environment to be paying attention in. This time I can sit down and focus, and really see what these movies are all about, and what they mean to me.

I'll start with Episode 1, not because its the "right" or "wrong" way to watch them, but because its actually the most recent one I've obtained, and I've never seen it on DVD. From there I'm actually not going to progress sequentially; I've seen them all enough that order is not going to mean very much. I'm also going to watch every single bonus feaurette these DVD's feature, to get into the minds of people behind the films as well. I'll post results for each episode here individually.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I know it sounds ridiculous, but there has actually been a lot I wanted to talk about this semester. Why didn't I? Laziness, pure and simple. Too lazy to get the the Blogger new-post screen, and my old firefox plugin for blogging doesn't work anymore. Or I'd start writing something and re-read it, only to find it made little to no sense (that happens a lot when I'm tired). Also, and I know this sounds ridiculous, but so many of the things I wanted to comment on where frequent news stories that plenty of other blogs would get to. I figured that nothing I could say would be important.
But enough is enough! Its 2007, and its time for some changes. You'll notice that the blog has a new title and a new look! I figured that a change of pace would help inspire me more, though I don't see any actual changes in the content. Expect some more alterations to this layout in the coming week; I want to do some more customizations to this design. Thankfully Blogger has done a fine job of providing some tutorials for these new templates, though one complaint for the staff; I appreciate that Blogger reads through my changes and makes sure any new code and tags are standard and compliant. However, I don't like it when my changes don't save because it wants a closing tag for , and when I put it there, it then just goes ahead and removes it. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either.
So let's get this ball re-rolling with a post. I've organized my game and movie collection at home. Since I should hopefully be moving out for good in half a year, I figured it would be helpful to start consolidating all of my stuff. This way it'll be easy to figure out what's missing and what I'll be able to take (in case my apartment is too small). It worked out rather nicely in the end, as you can see here:
All the shoe boxes contain consoles, and the box on the bottom left is filled with old gaming magazines. It was real nice to clean all the dirt and dust off of the SNES, making it look a little bit more presentable, and hopefully extending its lifespan. Most importantly, I got my Game Gear running again after buying a new A/C adapter. It isn't perfect - you can only get sound through headphones, the screen has to be tilted a smidge to see it, and its as finicky as an NES about whether it loads your game properly. Still, Sonic Triple Trouble is back on the menu folks.