In the aftermath of Christmas, I've managed to end up with all six Star Wars films on DVD, including the original theatrical versions of the classic trilogy (and the special editions, thanks to the new limited edition single releases). Good things come to those who didn't buy the last two boxsets.
So, now that I have them all, there's only one thing to do - watch them all, and write about them. I did this in the spring with my old roomates, but being around finals time (and being that I watched none of them before midnight) it wasn't the best environment to be paying attention in. This time I can sit down and focus, and really see what these movies are all about, and what they mean to me.
In case you didn't know, I'm an absolute Star Wars nut. I out quiz the guys who walk around with Star Wars t-shirts and model lightsabers. I pour over the books, the films, the games, the tech, everything. But in the last few years I haven't been quite as steeped in the lore as I used to be, and times are changing; people just don't like Star Wars as much as they used to. Every "cool nerd" on the Web uses the films as a a whipping boy, making potshots at them for any and all reasons. It is the perfect time to get back to them, to see whether they're really as good as I still believe they are, or whether I've just been fooling myself
I'll start with Episode 1, not because its the "right" or "wrong" way to watch them, but because its actually the most recent one I've obtained, and I've never seen it on DVD. From there I'm actually not going to progress sequentially; I've seen them all enough that order is not going to mean very much. I'm also going to watch every single bonus feaurette these DVD's feature, to get into the minds of people behind the films as well. I'll post results for each episode here individually.
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