Monday, September 03, 2007

Custom Job

I'm not a big fan of the Xbox 360 Guitar Hero controller. My roomate's seems to be falling apart on him, and the color just isn't what I expected it to be. Considering also that I will be using the GH3 Les Paul in any game that I can use it in once it releases, I didn't care much what happened to my used Xplorer controller. So here's what I did to it

It is not perfect - the frets stick a little bit, and the paint on them isn't very smooth. The whammy bar is broken as well, though I do know how to fix it (and I'm not sure I feel like unscrewing it all to get there. I still managed to five star a couple songs last night though, and since I never go for the highest of scores playing on this one, I can't complain about the performance hit. All in all, something fun to do and a learning experience about dismantling console hardware.


Timmy said...

It's still better than the POS Play-doh PS2 controller. And now it comes in black!
<3 :D

christian wolfe said...

"I never got the highest scores on this one"

Yeah, that part right there means I do way better on a PS2 guitar, always.

Different strokes for different folks man.