Tuesday, July 19, 2011


When I began posting my Zeta Gundam recaps, I was all excited. I felt like I was on a roll, and that I would be able to get them out in a (fairly) timely manner.  Unfortunately, I have been all out of sorts lately, which caused me to -

a) not set the Volume 3 recap to auto post, despite my memory of doing so
b) leave the Volume 4 draft sitting on my netbook for days on end, because I mistook it for the Volume 5 recap, and so figured that it could wait a little longer to be posted.

As a result, over a week went by between Volumes 2 and 3, and I ended up doing Vol. 5 at midnight so I could get it done before I plowed too far through 6.  What a clusterf*ck.

In any case, I'm all caught up now, and Volume 6 should be up soon.

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