Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zeta Gundam Volume 9

At this point in the show, there are only ten episodes left.  That isn't much time to wrap up the now-three way conflict, to say nothing of the numerous rivalries and plot threads still lingering.  I thought that perhaps Zeta Gundam's status as a an all time classic was in part due to the way in which it handled all this narrative content.

I couldn't be further from the truth.  Most of the episodes in Volume 9 are a complete waste of time.  So bad is this batch that it retroactively damaged my opinion of the previous forty episodes.  It's also the reason why it took me so long to polish off the rest of the show.

I'm not going to beat around the bush - the show wastes three, maybe four episodes dealing with Rosamia, most of which occurs in this volume.  The fact that the Titans literally brainwash her to have the mind of a child is creepy in principal, and worse in execution.  It isn't enough that she's annoying; the writers then have to cram her antics down our throat in overly lengthy, incredibly awkward scenes. Her presence also gives them an excuse to write Shinta and Qum into more storylines, and at no point is that ever a good thing.

All in all, Rosammia is almost a proto-Moeblob.  While she has the physical traits of a grown woman, her mind is that of a (potentially slow) child.  The scene in which she runs around topless is beyond uncomfortable considering the circumstances.

I know it sounds dramatic, but I honestly believe that the focus on Rosammia/Shinta/Qum/whatever do irreparable damage to the entirety of the show.  There's so much to do still, and it all gets put by the wayside in favor of this?  Sorry folks, but true classics don't tend to cave into demographic based pandering quite this earnestly.  There's no hope of this show ending the way I want it to, but maybe it will manage to redeem some of my esteem before the end credits.

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