Saturday, June 16, 2012

Notepad App: Intro

My first attempt at an Android App is to make a notepad application.  As it turns out, the Android sample code has a fully functioning notepad in its sample code folder.  It's simple, but if all you want is to write and save notes, it's perfect.

However, I want to do slightly more than that. Namely:

- I want to be able to write individual notes, with titles, that I can save (this is what the Android sample project already offers).
- I want to have a single, giant note, called the "Scratchpad", which I can access quickly, and fill with quick bits of text.  The point here is not organization, but to allow me to just get things down before I forget.

In theory, this should be a simple job.  Just take the existing example, add a new button on the screen for the Scratchpad, and an additional, super basic text editing window for modifying it.

Let's see just how simple it will be for me in practice. Consider this a developer diary of sorts.

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