Alright. I'm finally moved into my new digs. Got myself a job. Everything is back on track.
So here I come again, to the blog.
I think at this point, with my job and residence and everything, I must officially label myself a yuppie. I like to think I'm one with some semblance of reason and control, but we'll see. At the very least, my new lot in life lets me observe some of the other interesting yuppie behaviors. I'm going to write them all down here as I see them.
We'll start with Starbucks. I hate the place as much as before, but I've grown to tolerate it at the very least. My coworker is a coffee fiend, and he's made the careful observation that if you know what you are doing, you can still order a decent drink from them. Plus when they're the only game in town (a common occurrance all over the place), you just have to learn to settle. I've learned a bit from him, and have come to enjoy his strange special order of triple skim latte somethings that he always orders and which always turn out tasty. That, and simple mochas.
But other folks, they blow my mind. Walking into the local shop this weekend, I saw all sorts of orders. Most of them were six words or more, and most had the word soy in them. They're just the most baffling sounding drinks, because all I can think of is why the hell they just can't have a regular cup of coffee, or at least a concoction with little in the way of fanciness. Its like adding a lime to a Corona, or Chinese businessmen mixing ice into a glass of wine. They're either destroying the simple flavors of good coffee, or adding things to a drink that's shitty to begin with.
And seriously, soy milk in your coffee? Unless you are lactose intolerant, I just don't see the point.
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