Thursday, November 11, 2004


The blog is looking a little lonely. Let's change that shall we?

Looks like Michael Moore isn't quite done yet. While I'm squarely in the middle ground politcally, I've never like Moore one bit. He tries to act like the friend of the common man, yet he's whined and complained in the past for not being payed enough for college appearences, and since success has moved himself into the safety of the hollywood elite. That, and he just rubs me the wrong way.

Moore says "Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them", and while I agree that the people may not have been knowledgable of certain issues, I doubt anyone can trust this schmuck to give them the real facts instead of whatever it is he wants them to believe. Moore's films are edited and scripted to be entertainment, and to push his point. They are far from being documentaries in the classical sense of the term, and it is sad to see these films winning so many awards.

Halo 2 sells a truckload. No matter how you slice it, this is great for the gaming industry. Anything that sells this much and makes this much noise makes it only harder for the general public to ignore the fact that gaming is poised to become the dominant force in entertainment. Anti-social? Yeah right

What this also means however is that the gaming community will be flooded with even more Halo fanboys, which is the console equivalent of the Coutnerstrike community. I'm sorry, but I've rarely enjoyed a system link game of Halo 1 not because of the game (which isn't terribly fun, but is serviceable), but because of the smacktards I was playing with. Looks like my frag count is going through the roof this year...

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