Saturday, July 01, 2006


-I finally got around to going into the blogger template and changing some things around. I've already been using this blog for a year give or take, and I don't see myself leaving it any time soon, so it was time for some customization. Some nwe links on the side, a new banner. If your name is Fifthturtle, you might think I ripped your style off. Any you would be right! Consider it the sincerest form of flattery old chap.

By the way, that banner image? Took me over two hours of playing with Photoshop and Firewokrs MX in order to make it. A lot of that time was fumbling around with another design, but still. I'm that slow.

I might look into more custom stuff in the future, but that is going to require learning some CSS, as well as thinking of some actual, worthwhile changes. For Comp Sci student, I don't know web-related coding for the life of me. That can change!

-I got a digitial camera today. First one in my life even. Its a nice little Samsung, 5 megapixel, small, zoom, uses AA batteries. Just right for a rookie like me. I'm getting carried away with the whole picture taking thing. For all the ones I've uploaded to my new Flickr account, there are even crappier ones I had to dump. Maybe by the end of the summer I'll actually get better at photography.

Also, I need to actually get out more and see some Colorado sights worthy of pictures. So far I've been afraid to venture away from the house/area around work unless I'm with my relatives. I should probably fix that; I've only got a month and two weeks remaining here. How did June go by so fast?

I'll start tomorrow, by taking the highway in the opposite direction, towards Denver. I need to go see Superman, as well as find a Circuit City so I can raid their huge game clearence. I can't do either by going towards work, so its time to buck up and do some exploring.

-I beat Devil May Cry 1 on Hard mode, and found myself unsatisfied. There were some tricky spots yes, but I think I did better overall than I did on normal. I guess there's still the Very Hard mode to tackle. Speaking of DMC, expect a review of it and its sequels sometime soon, either this week or next. It seems Jay has been struggling to get some articles from other Videolamer staff members, so I've been trying to step it up and get him some more content (without losing quality of course). So far its been working out rather well. Maybe my plan to become the next big thing in New Games Journalism will actually work. Or maybe I'll just wallow in the indie game site world for a while. Either way, I'm pretty happy.

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