Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Bookstore

So I had to break down and buy my CS 302 textbook today. Looks like I can't manage to borrow from people all semester. On my way back I noticed the advertisement printed on the bag for eFollet, the company that pretty much owns the bookstore:

Today I Saved:
room for dessert
saliva by using self adhesive stamps
game 7 of the World Series
Lots of money on used books.

What's wrong with this picture? Other than the fact that its attempt at comedy is pretty sad, I have actually payed less for brand new textbooks on the internet, from genuine stores like amazon, than I would have for a used version from the school bookstore. I really want to meet the person they're actually kidding. Who loves false advertising?


Unknown said...

Room for "desert"? Which one? The Sahara? The Mojave? ^_~

christian wolfe said...

Sorry mein fuhrer

Unknown said...

I can't help it if I'm a grammar/spelling nazi..