Monday, May 22, 2006

Long story

So it is Monday evening, about 9:00 or so. In just a few days I've managed to travel a great distance across the nation, start a new and very challenging job, and the fifth season of 24 came to a conclusion. All in all, quite a busy last few days. Might as well get some thoughts down on them before I forget.

-The trip to Colorado:
In just a few short days I managed to see several brand new states as well as travel farther from home than I've ever been. It wasn't nearly as grueling as I thought it would be, though this is not to say that it was in any way a short little jaunt. I suppose there was a certain sense of adventure to it which constantly kept things fresh. I also learned a few things about the states I passes through.

Illinois - really is pretty damn windy.

Iowa - nothing, and I mean nothing is here. Just farmland and cops with nothing to do. We passed by Des Moines (at least I think we did), only to find that the city has no more than two relatively tall buildings in it. I'm not sure why this state even exists. Wait - it has the world's largest truckstop. Still, that's a whole lot of state to house a giant mousetrap for tourists and white trash alike.

Nebraska - you'd be surprised, but as much as Nebraska is host to its own acres of farmland, it also has several good colleges, a few historical landmarks, and towns with some sort of modernity to them. I had free wireless access in my hotel (that I of course couldn't use)! I was in Nebraska during Senior Gala, which I celebrated in my own way since I was unable to attend. Good luck class of 06 - I'll see you next year when several of you invade my house every weekend.

Colorado - What a strange state. The eastern part of it is nothing but dried up grasslands, the closest thing I've seen to cowboy style terrain. There are exits to towns with nothing in them, and god help you if you run out of gas in those long stretches. When you finally approach Denver, things change. Now there is a city surrounded by mountains, with several towns close by...surrounded by mountains. And you're a mile high in the sky (bad rhyme, forgive me). The Rocky Mountains and the forests are somewhat of a different breed than those in the east, and I'm still amazed by the grandeur of it all. Devner itself is also strange; yes, its a real deal city, but there is a strange mix of buildings and nature surrounding it. I..can't realy describe it, but it is an interesting place. Not sure yet if interesting means I like it however. It is nice to have pretty much everything I need within half an hour away (beats the hour trips of home), while still living in peace up on the mountain. It looks as if I won't be getting my first big paycheck for close to a month however, so pictures may have to wait longer than I wanted :( Oh, and I've seen both the Coors brewery and Coors field. They're both nice (well, the brewery is ugly as shit, but they give away a lot of free beer).

-My job
So I work for a company called Jeppesen, owned by Boeing, which literally makes me the west side to many of my friends in the east who work for rival corporations. I think this is rather fun. I'm also completely unused to this kind of work environment. Its 100% corporate; offices and cubicles a small group of employees who all know each other, and no rules as to when to eat, or even when to come in. Oh, and there's the whole "anything you write is our property, and we own your likeness" rules of the corporate world. I can already see open source advocates running away. Whatever.

My job is actually somewhat challenging. The things I'm responsible aren't project critical, but if I can succeed with them it could help things out a whole lot. I'll have to call upon quite a few things I've learned in college to help me. Hopefully I'll ease into it quicker than I think I will.

I think that's it with work for now. As excited as I may be, I don't want to talk about it too much on the 'net. People get fired over silly stuff like that.

...and so concludes this very long post. There's probably more to write about that I just can't remember right now (that'll happen when you wake up at 4:20 in the morning). In any case, stay cool folks.

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