Saturday, May 13, 2006


I don't know if I've mentioned it much in this space (hell, I don't know if I've mentioned it at all), but I finally managed to score the internship I've been gunning for for months now. Come next week I'll be road tripping all the way to Colorado, where I'll spend my summer playing with C and Fortran code. It should be a hell of a time.

This means that this is my last, and only weekend home for a long time. I'm going to try and take it easy these next two days, seeing that I've made all the necessary preparations for my trip, and have taken care of any business I had at home. There' s a Hollywood video that just opened not that far from my home, thus marking the first time in almost ten years that I've had a place close by to rent games from. I'll be heading down there today to take a look, and maybe rent something to blast through before Monday.

Too much E3 news to sort through. I'll let the rest of the Internet take care of that. I've got a couple of items I want to comment on later though.

Also, Kirby's Canvas Curse (which I continue to have to remind myself is not called Touch Kirby in America) is a great game. So simple, yet such an ingenious use of the DS stylus. I'm officially sold on getting a DS lite come June.

More coming later methinks.

1 comment:

HeavyJoe said...

Congratulations man! You've definitely earned it, have a blast on the west coast, and keep in touch.