Friday, September 15, 2006

Wii are all stupid

Hey! I'm back! My schedule's finally settled down, meaning more chances for blogging. And lots of Nintendo Wii news to talk about, so I have a reason. Actually, I'm not here to comment on the news itself; there's plenty of that all around. What I want to talk about are the ridiculous comments spreading thanks to the wonderful hivemind of the Internet. Let's all jump aboard the stupid train.

First off, the complaints about the price. I don't get it. The only rumors that said that it could be around $200 were the most wild and unconfirmed, many based purely on the hope of fans. The most legitimate claims and comments said nothing more than "Under 250". Now I know that $200 is under $250, but so is $249.99. And if you have any knowledge of business (meaning if you've ever shopped at a retail store), this price should make perfect sense in relation to their comments, much in the way Sony is able to say the PS3 is under $500.

Now if you're just upset that its not as cheap as you'd have liked, that's fine. I'll just point out the fact that its still half the price or a little less than the competition. But if you expected two hundred bucks, then I have some swamp land in Florida you might be interested in....

You know what else costs the price of a Wii? A mid-range iPod. Betcha weren't bitching about that one, were you? And don't you dare complain because they'll be making a profit on the console right off the bat. This is a company. They want to make money. Sony and MS aren't Jesus sacrificing their cash reserves on the cross. They're big corporations making big gambles that could very well blow up in their face. Nintendo doesn't want, or have to do the same.

Next they'll bring up the argument that "By the time I buy a flash card, and a game, and....and....and some other stuff, the price difference is gone." First, let's throw away the flash card argument. Those things are dirt cheap, far easier to find for $20 or less than a memory stick for PSP. That is, if you don't have one already, which most people with a camera or PDA do. After that, we've got games. Yes, that's another $50 bucks, but they make it sound as if they wouldn't be purchasing a game with the PS3 or 360 (and with the Wii, you don't have to buy a game right off the bat if you're content with Wii Sports). Next they'll bitch about a second controller. If they're buying one for Wii, I can imagine they'd be buying one for the other two consoles. So basically all the things they'd "have" to go out and buy for the Wii, they'd be buying for the other two guys as well. Meaning those prices are pretty much negated, and Nintendo's system is still cheaper. This argument is retarded on multiple levels. Side note: Anyone remember the old days when you lugged your own controller to your friends' house to play 2-player? Imagine the hardship...

Another complaint: The controller + nunchuk costs $60. We still have to see how many games outside of FPS need the nunchuk. Unless Wii Sports or a good portion of launch games make it clear that the Wiimote alone isn't enough, this is a silly point. Wait and see.

I personally can't wait for this shit. It should be a very fine launch indeed, and once again the Internet amazes me with its logic. Or rather, a lack thereof.

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