Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Movie Sign

Just saw a coupla movies while I've been home, so I figured I'd input my 2 cents on them.

The Bourne Supremecy: Overal, the movie is one big "meh". It doesn't do anything inherently bad, it just doesn't do anything amazing. If you've seen any globe hopping, double crossing espionage/spy/action film since Missions Impossible, then you've seen this film. If you like that, then you'll have a blast. Otherwise you'll probably be end up like me: surfing the web through half the movie.

I, Robot: As an admitted geek, I should be one of the hoardes of people cursing this movie for blashpemizing Asimov's classic books. However, I haven't read any of them, so my opinion of the film comes purely from someone looking for a decent action flick and nothing more. In this aspect the movie delivers. There are some interesting scenes, good effects and a decent mystery to be found. My only problems came from the shameless product placement (which now seems commonplace in blockbusters these days) and some occasional stiff acting. There do seem to be some hints at some deeper messages about robotics that one would expect from a movie with this title, but it doesn't really go anywhere with it. How this makes you feel will ultimately affect how you will react to this movie.

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