Tuesday, December 28, 2004

under my skin

A long time ago, back when I was in 8th grade, my doc told me I had some nasty looking mark/mole thing on my back. Could become precancerous, etc. Nothing I should worry about, but something to take care of in the near future.

I'm finally going today to have it looked at, six years later (Is that still the near future?). Should be a quick deal, but I realized that next time someone says "you should have that looked at", one should do it a lot quicker in case its something really serious.

Glad to get this monkey off my back though (attack of the bad puns!).

Update: I'm healthy, nothing was removed, looks like I have nothing to worry about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:sigh: Ookami-sama.. generally six years is not "near future". And the pun is the bastard child of humour.

Thus, you should be duly ashamed of yourself.. tsk, tsk. :P