Tuesday, January 17, 2006


First day back on campus, and I had no classes to attend. I feel...guilty about it. Like I'm a business major or something :p. That meant I had plenty of time to take care of early semester business. Geting books from the mail, hitting the bookstore (for one $8 paperback - its for Number Theory, and it has to be one of the toughest books around), adding money for food, and visiting professors. Of course, being the first day back, everyone else had the same idea as me, and every time I stopped to do something, sure enough there was a line.

I hate lines. No, not the distance between two points; I love those. I'm talking lines of the "queue" persuasion. Now I can't think of any person that actually enjoys waiting in line, but for me it is so bad that I will often walk away in frustration, thus missing out on important business or even eating. I suppose this dislike boils down to two things. One, I hate feeling like I'm wasting large amounts of time doing nothing. Two, I'm an asshole who could live without all the silly gossip that you often hear while waiting in line, especially at Loyola. I just don't care about how much you drank over the break, or what some spoiled princess spent over the holidays.

My strategy is always to come back at a later time, hopefully when the line is shorter or gone so I can my shit done without any hassle. I would pin its success at about 50-50. Thankfully it worked today; I made a loop around the student center/academic buildings and by the time I hit each stop again, the lines had vanished. The only exception was the bookstore, which can be expected.

In any case, I have to get over this phobia. Things would probably be done even quicker if I just hunkered down and waited.

In other news, I discovered today that while I may not have won that NSA/I-fund scholarship, I still have an oppurtunity to apply for a summer internship. I have absolutely no clue what my chances are of actually being hired, but at this point I'll simply be content with chances. If all goes well I'll find one that turns into an oppurtunity.

Five classes tomorrow, so I better hit the hay early. Coming up this week is a full fledged analysis of the Xbox 360. I'll give you a teaser right now:

The Xb0x 360....Spiffy

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