Wednesday, December 21, 2005


To anyone who has tried to comment on any blog posts in the last month; my bad. Apparently I had enabled comment moderation, which does not publish comments unless you allow them too. I had no clue that the feature was enabled, or that it worked like that. The moderation is off now, so comments should appear as normal.

I'm back at home for Christimas break. Or is it "holiday break"? I really don't know. Just make sure that whatever you choose to celebrate is fun and safe. That matters far more than any sort of names we attach to the season.


Anonymous said...

Its Christmas fuck those people that cant deal with saying merry christmas!! ARRGGG

christian wolfe said...

I don't really care what people say. Even if I was Jewish, or Hindu, or whatever faith, if someone said "Merry Christmas" OR "Happy Holidays", I think I'd just be grateful that some perfect stranger gave me a kind and friendly greeting, and spread some joy during the holidays. I'm not really for or against the use of either phrase, it just seems the whole "war against Christmas" thing is silly and out of the spirit of the season.

I do believe the idea of the "Holiday Tree" is ridiculous. Far as I know, only one holiday celebrates by decorationg a tree.

Anonymous said...

Thats Gordon Freemans next mission to destroy the north Pole!!!!!!!!!

christian wolfe said...

Is that what they're building up to for half life 3? Maybe the G-man is the true Santa Claus...