Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pure as driven,,,

We got the first major snowstorm of the year today. When I say major, I mean just enough to cover the ground up without melting by the next morning. I'm thinking classes will be canceled tomorrow....

It was rather beautiful coming out of class today. If was around 4:30, and the flakes had just begun to fall. The sky was that dark gray that would vanish into night in just mere minutes. The Christmas lights strewn about campus and the lamps above the street gave off a soft glow that gives the whole scene that strange, dreamlike feeling. I'm not a huge fan of winter (its far too nasty and depressing, especially back home), but this time right around the start of the season always seems so...nice. It puts me in a mood where I feel good about the end of the year, something that is much needed during crunch time.

Sorry to get all poetic there. Actually, that wasn't even poetry. All the better then. Would you like to own a piece of Acclaim? You can if the price is right. Here's a nice article that diffuses some of the Xbox360 hype for some honest answers. And of course, the big question: is Rare back in business? If their two new games are an FPS that still plays like an N64 game and a shinier collect-a-thon platformer, I'm going to go out on a limb and say no.

Off to bed now. Here's something to help you drool at night.

Edit: Wait, I lied. Those specs are not good. I'm already waiting for every major gaming editor/pundit/lunatic webcomic artist to hammer Nintendo's final nail into the coffin. Like Tycho said: "I forgot that innovation was measured in texture passes."

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