Saturday, December 24, 2005

Why sir, its Christmas Eve!

Yes it certainly is, and thankfully I got all of my gift shopping done in just one day. Not too shabby (or stressful), though I should count my blessings. The only reason I did so well is because my list consisted only of my four family members. Come ten years from now, when the word "family" encompasses four times as many people, perhaps I'll be saying "humbug" to holidays like so many others....

So around this time of year it seems I always try to come up with some deep holiday message, or something like that. I can't think of anything this time, but I think that's a good thing. Everyone seems to be arguing about the commercialization of the season, the "war on Christmas", and lots of other topics that just aren't in the spirit of the season. Instead of tryign to grasp such weighty topics, I think that, for now, we should all just take it easy, and be thankful that the holiday season is one where many of us can spend some real, quality time with friends and family.

I thought of this after reading all of the news surrounding the death of Tony Dugny's son, which was an apparent suicide. Dungy is on the top of the sporting world with his 13-1 Colts, is an incredible coach and a great family man. Now comes the Christmas season, and his son is dead, and he may never know the reason as to why. I can't think of many things that could be worse for a parent to face, and it is horrible to think that such a promising young man had to take his own life.

This holiday season, I'm thankful more than anything for having my family with me, safe and sound and together. And for those who cannot be with loved ones, or who have lost them recently, they'll be in my thoughts and in my heart.

Take it easy everyone, and be safe (I know, everyone says it, but its important). After the holiday rush you can expect a lot more psots by me, since I'll have plenty of free time to do so. I'll even crank out some reviews. Yay!

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