Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My younger brother (can't call him "little brother" anymore - he's bigger than me) IM'ed me yesterday asking why emo kids love coffee. This was news to me, but I offered him some simple theories. Now it is with some hesitation that I begin this post by talking about coffee. Don't read too far into it now....

I've never been a big coffee drinker. The folks forbade it in my youth, save for special occasions. Not like I ever needed it; once I was up I was a bundle of energy.

That changed as I got older. In high school, I wouldn't say I was a ray of sunshine in the morning, but I could function pretty damn well during the early hours and throughout the day, even on six hours of sleep. When college came around, however, it got worse. Most undergrads will take any amount sleep they can possibly muster in a given day, yet they're still more than capable of going on incredible marathons of studying. I, unfortunately, am the wimp on campus. I've only ever managed to pull two all nighters in three years, and I any amount of sleep under six hours will generally put me out of comission during classes. Thus I've slowly begun to discover and enjoy the magic of the morning cup of coffee.

I don't drink if every morning. Hell, I don't even drink it once a week most of the time. But whenever I'm low on gas and need a serious boost, a good cup of Jo' (black, no sugar) works like a charm. It doesn't do much for me at night, but it really is amazing just how much it can help you get through those initial morning hours. Thankfully I'm often too forgetful to make it, so I don't think I'll have to worry about an addiction to it for a little while longer.

There's an article on 1up about the 25 games that EGM didn't choose in their 200th issue "greatest ever" coverage that the readers wanted to see on the list. The number one game was Kingdom Hearts, and here's EGM's reason for excluding it:

Fanservice goes a long way toward making a sale, but you need more than popular characters to achieve true greatness -- you need good gameplay. Kingdom Hearts, alas, was a frequently repetitive grind. And while slick graphics are nice, it's hard to appreciate them with they're spinning wildly thanks to one of the worst cameras ever inflicted upon a videogame. Its flaws and its general lack of new ideas (not to mention that stupid Gummi Ship) kept KH from our list.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Respect +100.

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