Thursday, March 02, 2006

DS Lite

So the new DS model goes on sale today in Japan, and as everyone expected, it sold the f#%@ out quick. This is partly due to Nintendo having some manufacturing troubles, and partly because the demand for the console in Japan shows no signs of going away. This is both good and bad for the Big N: bad because the shortage may create some lost oppurtunities, but good because it has been a long time since a Nintendo console has kicked so much ass at retail. And to think it is the DS, the most twisted device out there. I'm glad to see it though, because it could mean great things for the Revolution.

I also dislike the use of the word "lite" in the naming of anything. Has it ever actually been a legitimate spelling of the word, or am I right in saying it just popped up in the last decade thanks to advertisements?

This has been a pretty horrid week before Spring Break. Literally, at any point this week there were at least ten different things that I could be doing that don't involve procrastination, and like a good boy I actually did them. Hats off to anyone who had papers, exams, or whatever to get done before Friday. I saw a lot of hard work being done, and I hope it rewards everyone. Except for the punks that left on Wed. evening/Thursday morning. Lousy good for nothings...

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