Sunday, March 12, 2006

Status Report

Things I Learned During Spring Break
C. Wolfe

1) Delaware has very wierd highway signs
3) Connecticut and Massachussetts really do have that New England Charm.
4) New Hampshire is like a mini Pennsylvania, not only in how it looks, but in how it operates with things like liquor laws. NH still beats out Penn however, for the sole reason that getting to civilization from the middle of nowhere takes only fifteen minutes instead of half an hour or more.
5) Everything I thought I knew about skiing turned out to be wrong. Once I learned the correct way to do things, I found it to be an incredibly enjoyable activity - that's way out of my income bracket for anything outside of spring break. At least most skiiers seem to be helpful and friendly folks.
6) I really do suck at any game -video or tabletop - that involves strategy.
7) Providence is not the best place to visit on your way to New York.
8) Long Island (which I swear is home to half of Loyola's student body) is a really nice place, and a seemingly expensive place as well. I can see why many students are so damn well off.
9) Keggers really can be fun.

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