Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Just a lot of good stuff to link to today, with my patented punk ass commentary:

-The final part of my DDR feature is up. I've gotten a lot of fantastic comments about it, some posted at the site and some said to me in person. So far the comments have given me even more insight into what different people think about the music genre. Thanks a million to anyone who took some time to read this stuff. Hopefully I can do an even bettter job next time.

-An article on why used games are good for the industry. I happen to agree and disagree. I've saved a ton of money on used games in the past, but only when they've been on the market for quite some time. Newer used games barely cost less than a new copy, and unless you get the warranty you can't be sure a game will work, even if inspect the disc and it looks proper. Used games can be a big help for a lot of players, but it would work even better if EB and Gamestop didn't use them to try and extort consumers.

Also, I'm apparently not "core gamer" because I don't run out and buy every game as a new release. I've already discussed this kind of silly name game in the past, but its good to know that the industry is judging its core base on how much money someone has, rather than even what it is they buy.

-Despite the long, PC sounding name "Playstation 2 Computer Entertainment System", the PS2 is not a computer. Sony seems to be just like their fans sometimes, in that they insist on looking more mature than they really are. Its a game system that plugs into your TV guys, not a workstation.

- My buddy Fifthturtle links to this crazy anti piracy ad from Microsoft. I'm liking the fact that the software comes from the Middle East (def. not stereotyping), and according to Microsoft you can't trust any piece of software that isn't Windows Genuine.

Screw it , this can't be real. I can't believe that something this stupid, and with such poor grammar, could be a real Microsoft ad. I'll have to look further into this.

-Try as I might to get over it, I can't stopped feeling pissed at some of the things I see in this Gamespot article. Apparently "gurl gamer" Carrie Gouskos owns two Dragon Quests, Earthbound and the original Suikodens, yet she hasn't played any of them because they "aren't Final Fantasy". The only reason she has them is for bragging rights. That's a murderer's row of RPGS, and many gamers would clamour for the chance to own such originals. And she won't play them because it isn't "final fantasy" (I have more choice words in my mind, but I'll be a gentleman). You can call her a journalist if you want, but no one should ever call her a gamer.

1 comment:

Timmy said...

Wow man, I just read that Gamespot article and you are so dead on.

The reason those games are worth so much is because they are gems in a sea of overextended and lavish crap. To only play Final Fantasy JRPGs is like saying "I'll only eat hamburgers from McDonalds." I would love to own any of those games (in some cases - again). I've heard amazing things about Suikoden and have always wanted to try it for myself. And, damn, as far as I'm concerned Dragon Quest as been pimp slapping Final Fantasy ever since God flipped a light switch.

I don't understand the popularity of that series. I really don't. Even though you explained your theory to me (about 7 anyway), and it makes total sense, the series as a whole blows my mind that it is as popular as it is.

It is like American gamers (I use the term loosely) are a collective of posers trying to be cool and hardcore. This bitch is no doubt an American "Gamer" in the truest sense of the word.