Monday, June 12, 2006


This post was originally meant to be posted early this morning (or late this morning for all of you. Stupid Mountain Time Zone). That was a lie! Or rather, I couldn't compile competent sentences at 10:30 in the evening becuase of fatigue. Since when does 10:30 make you tired? My college powers are diminishing. I must be like Birdman, only instead of needing the sun to replenish my strength, I require a case of Miller Lite and an 11:00 class.

Let's move on to today's topic; sandwiches. Specifically fast food sandwiches. Everybody's doing them these days. If you're on the road and need something to eat, reccomending McDonald's or any other burger joint is a sin. People are "tired of that unhealthy crap." Nowadays they want to eat healthy. They want to eat fresh. They have made it so that the farther west I drove, the more Subway restaurants were on any given main street. Subway is anywhere and everywhere, and I for one hate it.

That isn't to say that I will never go to Subway. Hell, I just went there on Saturday evening. But I don't for the life of me understand why its become the equivalent of Krispy Kreme in the fast food world, in that everyone seems to insist that it is the best choice. For one, their sandwiches are as anemic on the ingredients as you can get. You pretty much have to get the works if you want to end up being full. Loyola College may suck when it comes to food prices, but at least their subs get piled high (at least compared to subway). And as for the toasted subs, damn. I didn't know sticking a footlong under a toaster oven for thirty seconds made it toasty. At best the cheese actually melts, but usually it just makes the bread kinda warm. And why is it that the only time I was asked if I wanted to make mine a combo meal was the one time I didn't need one? Getting a bill at Subway is like playing craps, so random does it seem to be.

My biggest peeve with Subway's popualirty is its motto of "eating fresh", and how so many people buy into it. I mean, I can't be the only one who sees them come out with a stack a pre-sliced meats that are vaccum packed in plastic wrap and have been frozen for lord knows how long. Right? Everything they serve is pre- made and prepared. Its the only way they can possibly supply so many stores around the world. It can't be any fresher than the stuff at McD's, it just isn't loaded with grease. But does that make it any fresher? I don't think so.

And that's it for Subway. Jared and crew can shove it for all I care. The only time they'll see me in there is when I have no other fast food choice. Let's move on to some other joints.

Panera: Best friggin meals of the bunch, but you have to be careful here. When you're a geek like me and you don't have trendy apple hardware, it is essential to travel in groups, otherwise you may get enough strange looks by yuppies, teenagers and hipsters that you have to leave on principle alone. The place sometimes seems to beat starbucks at its own game of hippy foodstuffs. As long as they provide Jone's soda, however, they'll get my business. I just make sure to wear my Mets cap and stop shaving a couple days. Then I fit right in.

Quiznos: I just went to one for the first time this month. Holy Shit. They may not let you customize a sandwich like Subway, but damn is it good. I mean really good. A flavor taste explosion that I did not expect. These people actually know how to make a toasted sub toasted, and I expect to be stopping by many more times in the future. Even those shitty old commercials with the singing rat type things (you know, from the bowels of the internet) could not drive me away from this place. Pepper Bar indeed....

I'm almost done playing Killer 7, and I do not lie when I say that it has been a long, strange trip. The review on this one actually won't be too hard. I pretty much know everything I want to say about it, which is really a surprise.

I also have a copy of Street Fighter Alpha Anthology pre-ordered for tomorrow. I don't know why I pre-ordered it; though the game may be hard to come around in EBs and Gamestops (which only carry as many copies of obscure games as they have orders for), but Wal-Mart and the like should have piles of them. I know they did for the Anniversary Collection a year back. Needless to say, impressions abound tomorrow, provided I get off my PS2 playing ass when I'm not at work.

One of the papers in Colorado has a Tokyopop published, American made (I think) manga called Peach Fuzz in the Sunday comics. At first it was a giant wtf moment for me, until I saw that the Boondocks is still on reruns, and every other comic is still using the same tired jokes. Now I think, "why the hell not? The kids do love their mangas nowasays"

PS - I pronounce the word manga as "mon-ja" with the sole intention of aggravating hardcore otaku. Unless that's the way its meant to be said. Son of a bitch, I need to do some research....

PPS - Apparently there's someone at my job who's name is Gil Farmer. FF joke + 1?


Anonymous said...

hey its your brother. dude i dont know what you are talking aobut wtih subway. ok i agree they are not as filling as say ones from our good old lakeview plaza but i think they are stuff pretty much to the brim for the size of the roll. dont forget fi the bread isnt wide enought its not gonna hold as much. i myslef get full on just a 12 inch and you know i can eat. as far as the toasted subs go i dont see the big deal. i think the are just trying to copy quiznos. i just wne thtere the other day and tried the tuscna chicken and got it toasted. my breat was warm ant the outer curst was crunchy but it didnt really make a differeence. as far as the whole resh thing as someone who worked at mcdonalds fore a few years subway is def fresh. at mcdonalds or wendys the burgers sit in a tray under heat for 30-60 mins if not longer. same goes for the chicken. then they make your sandwhcih with those ingredietns. so when you order a bigmac that burger may already be 2 hours old for all you know. subway you see the ingredients in a cooler and warmed up right in front of you. the vegetables are way fresher just by looking at them. ever eat a mcdonalds tomatoe? YUCK! so in my opinion you look at all the other crap out there and really compare it to subway the quality is so much better. and quiznos does rock. mmm mmm mm toasty.

christian wolfe said...

maybe its dif. subways? There never seems to be enough food in mine. And as for the ingredients, yes, those burgers may in fact be sitting around there for a while. is all the meat that subway uses. Only now, you can see it. Maybe the veggies are a bit healthier, but they still come out of some bag from the cooler.

I'll still eat there if nothing else is around, but you're exactly right; it doesn't compare to a good local deli. That's expected from a chain, but it also means that they aren't the best sandwich shop around (like so many people claim).