Monday, August 07, 2006

So you wanna be a rock superstar?

And live large? But seriously, what the hell? Gamedaily's Chris Buffa posts a whole bunch of honest critiques of gaming journalism, and how much better it can get. He points the fingers not only on the rest of the web, but on himself and his own site, and has repeated that him and his colleagues are not perfect, but trying to be better every day. This is some of the most genuine writing I've seen from an industry writer, and he makes some great points.

Tell that to 1up. Once again a few of their cocky, wannabe rock star journalists have responded. The word?


Apparently these hotshots have taken Buffa a little too personally. These people who say they are proud of their work, and have been in the industry for years, decide the most professional thing to do is to attack the man with silly names and swearing. If you're so content with your work, if Buffa is a nobody, why are you giving him the time of day? Did he attack your momma? your family? Not that I saw.

These chumps know that Buffa has a point. Games journalism is in sorry shape, and no one wants to notice. And all the "fuck yous" and "I don't give a fuck"'s in the world aren't going to change the minds of me and anyone else with half a brain.

Really, this kind of reaction is 100% typical of an internet society with no balls. Everything about Buffa's article was criticism. Nothing more. But as the 'net has proven time and again, we cna't take criticism. No, we have to whine and cry and lash out because someone doesn't like us. Since when was this ever a bad thing? When was it ever an insult? Look at anyone who ever runs around with writing/pictures/photos askign for concrit. Then look at the responses. They're all half assed "suggestions" made by people who don't wish to offend, who are afraid of speaking their minds.

An english teacher I had once read a paper of mine, and said this of it:

"There's absolutely no reason why these paragraphs need to exist."

This was followed by a talk on which they elaborated. I took it as criticism, some good solid advice and an interesting perspective. If it was on the internet, it would probably go something like this:

"Um, well, it was really good! But, well, maybe you could get rid of that paragraph. I mean, you have to, but I you said everything so well in the rest of it! kthxbye!"

If I read that, no way in hell I'm changing a thing. After all, it was really good! But this seems to be all I ever see. That, or spewing 1up style vitriol. What's even more interesting is a point made by a 1up commenter; these guys slander Buffa and defend their own works, but never do they mention when Dan Hsu calls out the industry for bad practices, while not naming names (which contained some direct, honest to goodness accusations of wrongdoing. Buffa was just throwing out ideas). They don't mention how their DOA4 game guide showed some pretty clear evidence of plagarism. Their own site has done some pretty shady shit in the past, but they choose to cover their eyes. After all, if there's no irrefutable proof, it didn't actually happen, right? Bunch of hypocrites. I can't wait for Ziff Davis to sell their media division, and for 1up to crumble as they continue to screw up and people lose respect for them. Then maybe some real writers will be able to come in and show us how it done.

Don't like that? I don't give a fuck. You've got every dimwit, as well as IGN "writer" Jess Chobot sucking your cock. Sounds like a good place to curl up into a ball and cry.

P.S. - to all the commenters on that site - why are you spending your college time and money trying to become a games journalist? Don't get me wrong, I love to write about games, but never as a job. Dont' let 1up's horrible image cloud your minds. There are so many better things to do with a real journalism degree.

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