Monday, August 21, 2006


Apologies for the lack of updates. The last week of work was a doozy, and to make things worse, I had a car accident the day before I was to depart for home.

So, for now, I'm stuck in Colorado, and will either be coming home late next week with it fixed, or late this week with a check from a totaled car. Its put me in a sour mood, so for right now I'm completely dark on AIM. No away message, no ignoring people; I'm off until I get this figured out and I'm safe at home. Until then, you can still get to me through email and Google Talk, and I've promised to keep updates here as frequently as I can. Sorry for the inconveinence everyone, but my own damn personality makes AIM a bad thing for me right now. I'll be back within a week.

So yeah, right now I'm waiting to see tomorrow what they want to do with the car. The damage isn't horrible, but just may be enough that they choose to total it. That would be two totals in a row for me, and the first that would be my fault. Guy can't get any luck can he? In that case I'd be paying a decent chunk of change to fly home on Thursday, shipping most of my personal items home. The other option is they go with the repairs, in which case I just have to wait until they fix it. As long as that gives me time to make it to college on Sunday, I would like to take this option, even though staying here for another week would suck rather hard. Still, it'd mean I have a car...

I'll post tomorrow with the results, if they come in. Until then, wish me luck.

1 comment:

HeavyJoe said...

Hey buddy that really sucks, sorry about your car, I know how much of a pain in the ass that is, good luck with everything.