Sunday, April 24, 2005

The results

SO the tournament wasn't quite as well attended as planned, but I can't call it it anything but a success. Nothing was lost, the players seemed to really enjoy it, and the competition was fierce. I even got to sneak to the back and play some Dreamcast. All in all, eveyone won. Will it happen again next year? Definitely, though it may end up being with Halo 3.

Apparently there's a new Director's Cut version of the movie Triple-X with eight extra minutes of footage. I honestly want to know if anyone could possibly want the director's cut of Triple-X, let alone one that is longer.

One of these days I am going to comment on the new Shadow the Hedgehog game and Sega's decline in the new world of gaming. Until then, enjoy ArmJoe(or at least enjoy trying to figure out what it is. I'm not telling.)

1 comment:

christian wolfe said...

Not even close in the slightest I'm afraid. The name gives no clues.