Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution for seven dollars? Can you say purchase? I've spent more on food at college (and a lot less, depending on when)! I also saw Metroid Prime for under ten bucks used. If anyone reading this has a Gamecube and has yet to play that game, there's absolutely no excuse for you now. Say it with me now: Best console game this generation.

As you might guess, today was mall day. I tried on a couple of blazers and suit jackets, since I'll need one for various events in the future. It is getting to the point in life where a even shirt and tie is considered underdressed for certain occasions.

The whole story aroudn Rafael Palmiero is just incredible. The man has spent quiet years amassing stats worthy of the Hall, and now its crumbling down around him in just a few days. Every time baseball seems to move beyond steroids, something new pops up to bring the gloomy shadow over the league again.

It seems Final Fantasy 12 is goign to have a combat system similar to what is found in Knights of the Old Republic. In my opinion, this can only be a good thing. I'm glad to see something, anything that is different from the *enemies on one side/heroes on the other* random battle crap that has been in the series for ten games now. I just hope it isn't identical to KOTOR, which suffered from severe repitition later on when all the attacks felt like they had the same effect.

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