Tuesday, September 27, 2005


So Day of Defeat Source is now out and ready to play. For some reason I never got into the original version, so I don't have much grounds to compare the two. I do know that this oen looks grand and plays well. A little more realistic than Call of Duty MP in terms of movement and accuracy, but it is still easy enough to hold your own. Balance wise it seems that each of the classes have their proper strengths and weaknesses. The only complaint I have so far is that both the Assault and Support classes have SMG's, but the Support can switch between full and semi auto, making him significantly more versatile.

But yes, I still need to play a couple more maps before passing judgement. The sole fact that the game only makes you wait a few seconds to respawn rather than waiting out a round like in Counterstrike means that I will probably be giving it a lot more playtime.

Hmm... I just played the Brothers in Arms demo, and DOD source came out today. Now I just learned that the Call of Duty 2 demo is out. So much WWII, but will it all be good?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it kinda sucks that theres only 4 maps for dod right now but there will be about 8 millon patches and updates to come