Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Grind

Good artical here about the rising prices of Next Gen systems and software. I like that the initial responses are made by big name publishers and are classic PR fluff about how the enhanced quality of the games will justify the increases in price, . Then there are responses from actual developers that worry about the reaction consumers will have to $60 games.

I too am curious about the next generation. We all know the gaems will look better, and some may be bigger. But will they play better? Need for Speed Most Wanted is going to be an Xbox 360 launch game, but how much better will it play next to the say, Underground 2 or Hot Pursuit? The current generation offered a significant graphical upgrade, but a lot of Playstation 2 games play an awful lot like Playstation 1 games. I don't really if I'm willing to shell out ten dollars more for a game that plays the same and only lasts me ten hours, simply because it looks a little shinier.

All that bragging I did about my excellent text book shopping is now null and void; the one book I had to buy at the bookstore ended up costing me almost half as much as the total for my other four classes. I hang my head in shame.

Classes themselves are doing fine. I'm actually doing my readings on time, and find myself (so far) with enough energy to comprehend them.

Students on campus are still the same; big granny glasses, torn jeans and dirty looks whenever I walk around with my Mets cap on. At this point I don't know if I would have it any other way.

I upgrade my computer's RAM to a gig today, and it still seems to run choppy. I must contniue to investigate this phenom, though its probably the decrepit VPN software/antivirus we use to access the web.


christian wolfe said...

It really is hilarious, but it happens so much at Loyola because there are so many people from Long Island. They're all bandwagon Yanks fans who believe you shouldn't like the Mets "cuz they suck".

Not like Jay Purcell. Classiest Yankee fan I ever saw.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the compliment sir.... you'll be loyal to the mets till the day you die.....and it might take them that long to win another series....oh i couldn't resist!! snap!

christian wolfe said...

What can I say Jay? You got me good with that one. Nothing like a little banter to keep things fresh :p