Thursday, July 21, 2005

Blu Ray

So, its time to explain the end of my last post; Why am I scared of the Bluy Ray and HD-DVD foramts that will eventually be released?

The question came up to me when I started thinking about Telivision series that are released on DVD. There is only one I am interested in colecting: The Simpsons. That also happens to be the longest running sitcom ever, and is going to take a long time to finish its full release. So I asked myself; what happens when the new format comes out? Will DVD continue to be produced like VHS? Or is there room for only one disc based media? And even it if survives, will shows like the Simpsons that are still being released switch over to the new format, or will DVD versions still come out? I don't want to be forced into buying an entirely new media device because corporations decided we all "need" HD quality footage for everything. Nor do I want to have several players working in order to watch my favorite show.

It just seems to me that no one really cares about these new formats, because no one really needs HD quality movies and shows all the time. DVD is versatile, cheap and popular, and I'd like to see it stay that way for a little longer. However, I can also see big companies like Sony use their marketign muscle to make those same people believe that Blu - Ray is something they need, no matter what the cost. Companies like Sony are also the ones that would benefit the most from sales of new players, TV's and movies. Hopefullt consumers (especially those with massive DVD colletions) will use the power of their wallets and keep DVD alive for a little longer. At least for the first ten seasons of Simpsons; everything after that is hit or miss :p

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