Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fresh links

I have some nice links that I thought you might like. Enjoy:

Lindsay Lohan crashes her car not becasue of chasing photographers, but because she just can't drive. And I almost felt sorry for the stupid spoiled whore (thanks South Park).

A burmese python in the Florida Everglades tries to eat an alligator. I don't know what to say about this. Its kinda cool, kinda scary (imagine what this could do to the swamp's ecosystem), but very interesting.

EA is playing fair and paying their artists big bucks for their lost overtime wages. Looks like that lawsuit finally scared them enough to go ahead do what they should have done in the first place. My only question now is are they going to do the same for the programmers?

It seems Google really does want to kick Microsoft's ass. They're devoloping a toolbar that will let users access OpenOffice (the open source word processor that can read MS Word .doc files among other things) right from the web. I like it. While I don't use OpenOffice too much due to it sometimes running very slow, I do believe that it is as good a program as MS Office for the things I do. Let's see if Google will actually get it out of beta however.

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