Monday, October 24, 2005


Busy day today. We had people from ABET come to evaluate the computer science department (meaning asking students lots of questions), and I had to do some running around to get permission for a math class next spring. This is my first chance to sit down today, though after this post, my time sitting will also be time studying for an exam. Yes, it certainly is the start of a new week....

Anyway, I saw this news piece, and was reminded of how much I miss Calvin and Hobbes. Easily one of the most intelligent, funny, and sincere comics of our time. I didn't realize just how young Waterson is - I always thought the strip ended because he was simply too old, though I can understand his wanting to quit while he was ahead. With the current state of comics these days, it is one of the few that will be remembered in a positive light.

I started Shadow of the Colossus last night, though I only beat the first Colossi. More impressions as I get farther into it, but for now, I know this: I don't know if I can ever go back to collecting stupid coins or doodads in platformers or adventure games. Unless it is a Mario game, for he is the Godfather.

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