Monday, November 14, 2005

Colossal achievement

This post has been a long time coming. Time to sit down and actually write it!

I finished Shadow of the Colossus early this weekend. At this point it goes without saying that it has been one of the best gaming experiences I've had in years. What surprised me however was just how moving the ending was. I read someone else who said that it was the greatest love story he's ever seen, and while I wouldn't go that far, SoTC proves just how much romance (as well as tragedy) can be heightened just by the interactive nature of gaming. Developers should take some notes. Not every game has to have a hip hop vibe or teenage angst.

Of course, like many who have finished both Ico and Shadow I have already begun to speculate how both games tie into each other, if at all. I have my own theories, though most have been stated already by much better writers than myself.

I had a coupla missed oppurtunities on Saturday night. I almost saw Serenity this weekend, but the backwards little theatre we went to had a rule that tickets can't be purchased 20 minutes after a film has begun. I was also offered an alcoholic beverage at the restaurant we went to beforehand. It was obvious that the waitress was looking for better tips, which I understand, but since I wasn't paying for the meal I wasn't about to run up the tab for an illegal drink. A cold beer with dinner is nice, but it isn't something I need between now and January.

Some of the coolest cars in existence are up for auction. All I can say is "sweet".

P.S.- I'm playing World of Warcraft now. Or at least a 10 trial of World of Warcraft. I'll make up a seperate post, hopefully tonight, detailing my impressions.

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